Saturday, 8 May 2010

Spooks spill, to each other

as posted here

THIS book will never sit on the shelf next to Ian Fleming or John le Carre, or even trouble the bestseller lists - though the contents will undoubtedly rank as a great thriller.

Australia's overseas spy agency - the Australian Secret Intelligence Service - has commissioned a history of its operations.

But only a chosen few will have a chance to snare a copy and read this intriguing story. ASIS did not officially exist until the late 1970s, and the clandestine work of the service remains jealously protected.

Nearing its 60th birthday, the nation's spooks have decided to put their story on the record. Well, so-to-speak.

The Age believes the history will delve into all the service's dirty laundry, starting with recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq to battles with people smugglers closer to home, and stretching all the way back to the Cold War.

Taxpayers won't get a peek between the covers, despite shelling out $300 million in funding to the organisation each year. The history will be stamped at the highest classification level, intended only as a teaching tool for the service's new recruits and old hands to learn from the past.

A heavily sanitised version may be considered for public release, but a final decision won't be taken until the classified history is completed.

ASIS is believed to have sought out prominent military historian Peter Edwards for advice on how to best go about the project. Professor Edwards - the official historian of the Vietnam War for the Australian War Memorial - declined to comment when contacted yesterday by The Age.

But it is believed Professor Edwards provided initial expert advice, with the history now to be written in-house.

ASIS posts its officers in embassies around the world to collect secrets for the Australian government.

With headquarters in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade building in Canberra, the spy outfit reports to Foreign Minister Stephen Smith.

Asked about the ASIS history, a foreign affairs spokesman said ''the Australian government does not comment on intelligence matters''.

Need-to-know, old chap - wink, wink.

as posted here