Thursday 24 March 2011

Irrational detention policies' price is too high

"ASIO checks take up to a year and ''in 99 per cent of these cases'', say government sources, confirm department intelligence. In any case, Australia freely accepts huge numbers of visitors without security checks."

ASIO enters the cyber fray to reveal hackers

"The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) has formed a new unit to deal with foreign computer hackers. ASIO had previously left computer security to the Defence Signals Directorate, but its powers are limited and it is not allowed to spy within Australia. The new initiative is necessary because of the growth of cyber espionage by foreign military interests."

Blame detention centres, not detainees - Eureka Street

"The length of detention and the consequent injury suffered by asylum seekers have been compounded by the Government decision to require security clearances from ASIO before releasing refugees into the community. Many people have remained locked up for over a year waiting for this clearance."

Private emails exposing agencies to cyber threat | The Australian

"The report reveals the Defence Signals Directorate has warned spies could target public servants with 'socially engineered' emails, which appear legitimate by referring to the target's friends, or have been sent from a known email address."

WIKILEAKS: Australians Call For Legislation to Protect Whistleblowers — Global Geopolitics & Political Economy

"'It would not surprise me at all as ASIO reaches deep into the lives of many Australians, but keeps its activities secret from everyone, even the courts,' said Burnside told IPS."

Political Mavens » Keep Publishing those 1990s Memoirs, Establishmenters

"The Liberals and the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) had the misguided belief that the Croats could help in the identification of communists in Australia, who in the 1960s were factionalized, ineffective and posed no threat to national security."

Attorney General's Department - 23 March 2011 - Introduction of legislation to support national security agencies

"Attorney-General Robert McClelland today introduced legislation to further improve laws underpinning Australia’s national security and intelligence agencies."

WIKILEAKS: Australians Call For Legislation to Protect Whistleblowers - IPS

"Sources within Wikileaks told the Melbourne-based ‘The Age’ newspaper that an Australian intelligence official privately warned them in August last year that Assange was the subject of inquiries by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)."