Saturday 13 June 2015

MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA are outraged that Prime Minister Tony Abbott has proposed revoking Australian citizenship of jihadis who join the Islamic State (ISIS) - Walid Shoebat

 "MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA Are Outraged That Prime Minister Tony Abbott Has Proposed Revoking Australian Citizenship Of Jihadis Who Join The Islamic State (ISIS)"

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Australia called to Hague on Timor Gap | The Saturday Paper

 "With its defence department gearing up to join the Americans in the occasional defiant flyover of the new Chinese artificial islands in the South China Sea, the Australian government finds itself on the same side of the dock as the Chinese in international maritime law proceedings."

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ISIS Goes Nuclear

 "An alarming report comes from the Australian Intelligence community: The radical Islam terrorist group ISIS has collected enough nuclear material to assemble a “dirty” bomb. Said material was likely seized from captured government facilities in Iraq including hospitals and research labs."

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Security concerns must be followed to the letter | The Australian

 "It is natural for ministers to defend their own fiefdoms but not always wise to take the fight too far."

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