Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Inside the Muslim youth group accused of radical connections - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"A Muslim youth organisation in Queensland that says it steers young men away from crime and jihad is facing allegations of radical and controversial associations, including to a notorious bikie and an alleged suicide bomber."

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Spies behind trees is a national farce

"The four-part series Persons of Interest on SBS has taken me back to the days when I was put under surveillance by ASIO agents. As has been noted by various academics, including David McKnight, ASIO's incompetence was legendary. This point was only emphasised after my partner and I spent a few days in the National Archives reading room going through the 25 folders that ASIO had kept on me. At times we had to contain ourselves from laughing."

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Islamic outreach group Ummah United says ASIO risks radicalising young Muslims in need of mentors - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

"It was the "gangster feel" of Muslim outreach organisation Ummah United that caught the eye of Tayyab Khan."

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TV review: Nothing nice about naughty ASIO files

"The first surveillance state we are introduced to is supposedly benign: as children we are told that Santa is keeping an eye on us, for the purposes of his naughty or nice files. But as documented in Persons of Interest (SBS One, 8.30pm), it turns out that Australia's national security service, ASIO, spent decades compiling its own lists, on which everyone it cast a glance at was very, very naughty."

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Ghosts and Memory Sticks: Court Hears East Timor Case Against ASIO Swoop | The Global Mail

"Timor accuses Australia of spying during lead up to the countries’ landmark 2006 oil and gas treaty – and of seizing evidence from a whistleblower witness backing up their claims. Now Timor wants it back. Inside day one of a polite but firm hearing at The Hague."

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George Brandis vows not to read documents ASIO seized

"Attorney-General George Brandis has given an extraordinary undertaking not to read highly sensitive documents seized by ASIO agents in a raid on East Timor's lawyer last year as Australia tries to thwart the fledgling nation's bid in the International Court of Justice to have the material returned."

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East Timor calls on The Hague to condemn ASIO raids

"East Timor has called on the International Court of Justice to deliver a "clear, firm and severe" condemnation of Australia for using ASIO agents to raid the office of its Canberra-based lawyer."

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