Friday, 22 April 2016

Secret Court Takes Another Bite Out of the Fourth Amendment

 Electronic Frontier Foundation:

"But according to the FISC, that justification only applies at the time of initial collection (including the kind of massive overcollection that is occurring under 702) and can be completely abandoned once the government has its mitts on your communications. 

The upshot is that the government needs a national security or foreign intelligence purpose only for the initial collection and analysis of information. Once it has communications in its custody, those limitations no longer apply and the government can troll through it for whatever law enforcement purpose it wants without having to worry about getting a pesky warrant. "

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Chinese bid ‘getting only leases from foreign-owned Kidman’


"Dakang director Gary Romano declined to comment on the Treasurer’s decision or Mr Morrison’s move last year to block the sale on national interest grounds because one of Kidman’s properties overlapped the Woomera Prohibited Area in South Australia, but he criticised claims that the Chinese buyers should be allowed only to lease and not purchase the Kidman properties."

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Turnbull orders Cyber Security cohesion

Government News:

"The public confirmation by the PM that the Australian Signals Directorate (formerly the Defence Signals Directorate) has cyber weapons at the ready is the first time the government has officially acknowledged the capability – and marks a significant change in posture in how future attacks, criminal or nation state sponsored, may be dealt with and potentially called out and publicised."

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Domestic spying internationally

SC Magazine UK:

 "Domestic surveillance and foreign intelligent is not such a clear cut line in the age of PRISM. The Five Eyes group, a network of intelligence sharing between Australia, the UK, the US, Canada and New Zealand already shares the findings of various domestic surveillance programmes. This is only the tip of the iceberg as the Five Eyes regularly share with, and receive information from third parties and allies.  PRISM itself is run with contributions from GCHQ and the Australian Signals directorate. "

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Cyber criminals are one step ahead: security experts


 "The Prime Minister yesterday acknowledged the capabilities of the Australian Signals Directorate to launch strikes on hacker collect­ives, saying he hoped his announcement sent a strong message to cyber criminals."

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