Monday, 28 March 2011

feature | Thomas Shepherd « Overland literary journal

"Thomas Shepherd worked for over fifteen years as a ‘sparrow’, an undercover ASIO agent spying on the Left. The experience ruined his life."

Parallel lives « Overland literary journal

"Regular readers might remember an extraordinary interview in Overland 196 with a man called Thomas Shepherd, who had been an undercover agent for ASIO inside various left-wing organisations for over fifteen years."

Government passwords cracked in probe

"A number of passwords used by four federal government agencies - including the prime minister's department - are easily cracked using 'brute force' hacking tools, an official audit report has found."

Jailed Burmese refugees: ‘We came here for freedom’ | Green Left Weekly

"Since May, they have been told ASIO was undertaking “security checks”. ASIO, the immigration department and ministers have ignored enquires about the cause of the delay. Some of were interviewed by ASIO for the first time last month."