Tuesday, 31 May 2011
ASIO chief calls movement alert list 'very fallible' | LivePunjab
"According to the ASIO chief, the movement alert list prepared by the Oz Immigration Department"
Why the new ASIO bill must be stopped | WL Central
"A new development in global law harmonization against the perpetual War on Everything is a new amended bill being passed through Australian Parliament, which will further fatten up ASIO’s capabilities to spy on Australians and anyone else abroad."
Monday, 30 May 2011
Australia warns on cyber attacks on resource firms | Reuters
"Australia's government urged companies on Monday to tighten vigilance over cyber attacks launched offshore against some of the world's biggest resource firms and other businesses, warning high-tech threats were intensifying."
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Costly veil of secrecy descends over PS - Local News - News - General - The Canberra Times
"The shift has also forced ASIO to devote more resources than ever to vetting bureaucrats and government contractors."
Spy chief deems terror list 'fallible'
"ONE of the front lines in the fight against terrorism - the Immigration Department's list of people who present a possible security risk to Australia - has been labelled ''very fallible'' by the head of the country's chief intelligence agency, ASIO."

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/spy-chief-deems-terror-list-fallible-20110527-1f8tu.html#ixzz1NdrGn5yi
Director-General of Security David Irvine, seemed to express dissatisfaction with the list people who present a possible security risk to Australia. Photo: Andrew Taylor
Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/spy-chief-deems-terror-list-fallible-20110527-1f8tu.html#ixzz1NdrGn5yi
Turning a blind eye to espionage | The Australian
"This was the period in which, as he later wrote, 'I had no misgivings about our society in Australia being swept into the dustbin of human history by the communists', and in which he saw ASIO and its head, Charles Spry, as presumptive men with bourgeois values attempting to 'decide what we should read, think and do'."
Did Simon Overland misuse his powers? | The Australian
"Despite the early advice of ASIO, which had concluded that the so-called evidence was silly and that Haneef was a harmless doctor doing his best with cancer patients at a Gold Coast hospital, police and the Howard government immigration minister, Kevin Andrews, pressed on."
Friday, 27 May 2011
Habib cleared, gets passport back
"Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib has been cleared of being a national security threat and has had his Australian passport returned."
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Terrorism very real: ASIO chief
"THE killing of Osama bin Laden was a symbolic victory but will not diminish the terrorist threat to Australia, even as the dangers posed by cyber espionage and cyber theft continue to grow, the head of Australia's most powerful spy agency says."
Defence to investigate fake security checks - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Defence Minister Stephen Smith has announced that security clearances on Defence personnel will be rechecked after allegations that staff were told to fabricate them."
ASIO reviews security after site break-in - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Australian spy agency ASIO is reviewing its security after a man broke into the grounds of its new premises in Canberra earlier this year."
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Prime Minister and Cabinet - Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange | Greens MPs
"I will put these questions to ASIO when we get them a little bit later in the week but I presume they will refer me back to the minister because they are policy questions and not strictly operational."
PM briefed a dozen times on WikiLeaks - Security - Technology - News - iTnews.com.au
"National security advisors have met with Australian Prime Minister Gillard on a total of 12 occasions to brief the PM on the fallout of information contained in cables leaked to whistleblowing site, WikiLeaks."
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
WikiLeaks and other online groups may no longer be out of ASIO's reach
"The amendments, now before a Senate committee, aim to broaden ASIO’s role to collecting “foreign intelligence” for ASIS and DSD, which could include spying on groups such as WikiLeaks and any people in Australia associated with it on behalf of the two spy organisations."
Audience on their feet for a fraud who called bin Laden his brother
"It is easy to establish that David Hicks is a fraud."
Friday, 20 May 2011
Comment: Where is Australia's cybercrime data? - Security - Technology - News - iTnews.com.au
"Does it not strike you as odd to hear the Federal Government rabbiting on about the importance of cybercrime, hosting 'cybersecurity awareness week' and proposing an internet filter, while we continue to be a hostage to the data they are given from interested parties such as rights holders, security software and local police?”"
Al-Qa'ida's link to Sydney mum | The Australian
"THE veteran jihadist reportedly appointed as interim leader of al-Qa'ida is related by marriage to Australian woman Rabiah Hutchinson, a long-time target of Australia's domestic security agency ASIO because of her links to Islamic militants."
Greens wary of expanding ASIO's powers - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"The Greens have raised concerns about a bill that would broaden ASIO's powers to gather intelligence, saying there should be more debate about the issue."
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Australia's vassal state relationship to the United States | Independent Australia
"The construction and operation of US installations remained totally under US control and authority until quite recently. The Australian intelligence community (both counter-intelligence and military) also had the deepest connections with the British and the Americans. This goes back in the founding of ASIO and ASIS and the administrative relationship between the Australian Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) and the US National Security Agency (NSA). This relationship continues to this day."
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
The World Today - 'Cloud' over embassy military security 17/05/2011
"It strikes me that the minister has another major problem on his hands that goes back several years. There needs to be clearly - and the minister will have just another review - this is a problem that has infected security clearances across bases, embassies, all the way down the line into ASIO (Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation)."
Time for Australia to more actively engage Arab states - Opinion - Editorial - General - The Canberra Times
"We seem to be worried about security risks associated with entrants."
The function of a teaser video - PC Games - Game - Features - Atomic MPC
"... to the opposite end of the spectrum for those ASIO agents in training that watch the video on loop, dissecting the tiniest possible clues frame by painful frame."
Lateline - 16/05/2011: Whistleblowers allege security holes in Defence
"Three Defence whistleblowers say they have been directly ordered by superiors to falsify security checks on civilian and military personnel."
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Independent Review of the Intelligence Community - Australian Human Rights Commission Submission (2011)
"The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Independent Review of the Intelligence Community."
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
ASIS sets sights on people smugglers
"The government is ramping up the war on people smuggling, providing $14.8 million to Australia's overseas intelligence agency."
Spy base | China's planned East Timor facility failed
"just another part of China's growing intelligence activity through Asia and beyond"
Monday, 9 May 2011
Australia, the United States ‘Yes Man’ - On Line Opinion - 9/5/2011
"The forces necessary to build any invasion force would be significant and require time. Surely even the Australian intelligence services and ADF might notice that this was occurring."
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Terror too hard between wars | The Australian
"AS Osama bin Laden's death was celebrated by Americans on New York streets a little like on 1945's V-J Day, Julia Gillard cautioned Australians that 'our war against terrorism must continue'."
Triumph of the dills on Osama - bureaucrats ruined great PR victory | thetelegraph.com.au
"A former secret agent with the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, who does not want to be identified, said the bin Laden mission, conducted by US Navy SEALs and other operatives, was an even greater special forces triumph than the Entebbe rescue in Uganda in 1976, when Israeli special forces freed 103 hostages from a hijacked airliner."
Friday, 6 May 2011
Kevin Rudd in row over Osama bin Laden ally Umar Patek's arrest | The Australian
"He declared it 'a potential major step forward in the fight against terrorism'."
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Seeking a balance between intelligence and citizen rights | The Jakarta Post
"For example, MI-5 in the United Kingdom and the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) are neither armed nor have arrest powers. Operations requiring police authority are conducted in coordination with law enforcement."
Unchecked visitors gain access to secure areas at airports and docks | The Australian
"The federal Auditor-General said a range of gaps in the security regime protecting the sensitive facilities was allowing an unknown number of visitors through without ASIO checks."
Department of Management hosted Director-General of ASIO « News and Events
The Department of Management recently hosted Mr David Irvine AO, the Director-General of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. Mr Irvine delivered a presentation on the ethical and moral dimensions of leadership."
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Osama bin Laden death won't change Australia's security budget | Adelaide Now
"The death of Osama bin Laden will have no impact on the major focus in the national security budget - the continued construction of the massive new multi-storey headquarters for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation."
US didn't tell PM's office about bin Laden | Adelaide Now
"Asked how she found out, Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation was told before the Prime Minister's office."
bin laden | celebration | sovereignty
"In a similar vein, people applying for a licence to use blasting explosives in Australia have to take an ASIO security check. I'm not sure many terrorists would bother with getting a licence to use explosives."
Public projects driving ACT investments - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
"Non-residential construction includes the new ASIO headquarters and work on the precinct near the Australian National University."
WikiLeaks: telling it like it is
"I have been reliably told that ASIO played an active part in the investigation into Assange"
Airport worker breach highlights security risks | The Australian
"The Transport Department requires people who work airside on a regular or permanent basis to be checked by ASIO, law enforcement agencies and, where necessary, the Immigration Department."
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Questions on Habib torture
"The then head of ASIO, Dennis Richardson, now the head of the Department of Foreign Affairs, was asked the next day what he knew about the US practice of sending prisoners to other countries such as Egypt for interrogation. He said: ''We have no information as of fact about that.''"
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