Wednesday, 27 June 2012



"The story portrayed in the Four Corners program, ‘Smugglers Paradise – Australia’, on the 4 June, was not the one intended. Responding to criticism in The Australian, which I think is misplaced, the producer, Sue Spencer, says the facts of the program are not in dispute, I disagree."

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Political game shows appalling inhumanity

Political game shows appalling inhumanity:

"The fact that some members of Parliament are now breaking ranks to try to come to a reasonable solution to the asylum seeker issue shows how desperate some of the more moderate MPs have become and, unfortunately, how low we as a nation have fallen (''MPs meet in secret on asylum deadlock'', June 26)."

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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

ASIO lacks staff to vet refugees

ASIO lacks staff to vet refugees

"THE spy agency vetting asylum seekers for potential security threats is struggling with the ''sharp increase'' in boat arrivals, rudimentary computer systems and 30 per cent fewer staff than needed, an audit has found."

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Cost blowout at secret Defence site

Cost blowout at secret Defence site

"A secret defence facility under construction at HMAS Harman outside Canberra has suffered a massive cost blowout."

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Monday, 18 June 2012

ASIO security vetting endorsed

ASIO security vetting endorsed

"ASIO's controversial security vetting of potential refugees has been endorsed by a parliamentary committee."

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Tuesday, 12 June 2012

No risk to NBN, says Alcatel

No risk to NBN, says Alcatel:

"The chief executive of global telecommunications giant Alcatel-Lucent, Ben Verwaayen, says that the company’s Chinese-made products do not pose a cyber security risk, labelling notions to the contrary as “romantic”."

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Friday, 8 June 2012

The Coalition's Plan for Stronger Communities

The Coalition's Plan for Stronger Communities:

"John Howard was onto something when he said that he wanted Australians to feel more “relaxed and comfortable” about our country. People naturally seek the reassurance that their job is safe, their doctor is available, their children go to a good school, their neighbourhood is friendly, and their country is secure."

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Abbott promises “real action” on five priority areas of law enforcement and crime fighting | Australian Conservative

Abbott promises “real action” on five priority areas of law enforcement and crime fighting | Australian Conservative:

"Attorney-General Senator George Brandis and Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection Michael Keenan announced:"

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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Waxing, waning and royal illusions

Waxing, waning and royal illusions:

"Given the revelations on Four Corners that a people-smuggling kingpin allegedly disguised himself as a refugee and travelled by boat to Christmas Island - only to fool authorities and begin direct smuggling ventures from suburban Canberra (just down the road from the headquarters of the Australian Federal Police) - one must ponder not just the deficiencies of the AFP but also the intelligence gathering of ASIO. This security service is about to be examined by the High Court over its extraordinary powers to indefinitely detain genuine refugees without any adequate explanation. Clearly these two agencies need to be put under the microscope."

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Friday, 1 June 2012

US Government Attack on Wikileaks | Dissident Voice

US Government Attack on Wikileaks | Dissident Voice:

"WikiLeaks is under serious threat. The US, UK, Swedish and Australian governments are engaging in a coordinated effort to extradite its editor-in-chief Julian Assange to the United States, to face espionage charges for journalistic activities."

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Union of Agricultural Work Committees, media release, 31 May 2012, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs

Union of Agricultural Work Committees, media release, 31 May 2012, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs:

"An AusAID examination has concluded there is no evidence to support claims by the Israel Law Center (Shurat HaDin) that funding through World Vision Australia to a Palestinian NGO, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) was in violation of section 21 of the Charter of the United Nations Act, 1945."

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