Saturday, 31 August 2013

Arthur Gietzelt | The Australian

Arthur Gietzelt | The Australian: "IN 2010 and again earlier this year, columnist Troy Bramston wrote a series of articles about the alleged communist activities of my father, Arthur T. Gietzelt, mayor of Sutherland Shire for nine terms, senator for NSW and minister for veterans affairs in the Hawke government."

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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Open Universities Australia - Security, Terrorism & Counter-terrorism

Open Universities Australia - Security, Terrorism & Counter-terrorism: "Terrorism has become a part of the global landscape and there is a world-wide call for security specialists to combat it. This security, terrorism and counter-terrorism course was the first of its kind in Australia and is designed to provide you with an understanding of global security and terrorism concerns."

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Monday, 26 August 2013

Cyber, security and liberty

Cyber, security and liberty: "Today I want to apply a financial economist’s approach to thinking about cyber risk and briefly reflect on the trade-off between national security and liberty"

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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Car park cure for acrook Westmead Hospital | Herald Sun

Car park cure for acrook Westmead Hospital | Herald Sun: "The ageing hospital's Institute for Clinical Pathology, which is under ASIO watch due to the sensitivity of specimens handled there, has doors that won't lock, no alarms and no secure doors, according to a report obtained under freedom of information."

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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

ASIO 'sacked' worker after romance

ASIO 'sacked' worker after romance: "Choosing the right time in a new romance to reveal you're a secret agent can be tricky. But now a former Canberra ASIO operative says he was sacked by the spy agency for getting the timing wrong."

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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

ASIO turns its spies onto high-tech espionage

ASIO turns its spies onto high-tech espionage: "Australia's top spy has flagged a shift in focus for the national security agency ASIO, with more resources for high-tech espionage after a decade of concentrating on terrorism."

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

New film uncovers ASIO’s spy operations | Green Left Weekly

New film uncovers ASIO’s spy operations | Green Left Weekly: "This fairytale should not be taken seriously. Established in 1949 by the Ben Chifley ALP government, ASIO’s primary purpose has always been to carry out spying, disruption and provocation against left and progressive forces on behalf of the established order."

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Sunday, 11 August 2013

Post sheds light on ASIO terror targets

Post sheds light on ASIO terror targets: "Statistics released by Australia Post have revealed Australia's domestic security agency is concentrating its efforts on a very small number of terrorist and espionage targets."

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Friday, 9 August 2013

ASIO emerges from shadows

ASIO emerges from shadows: "It's in his ASIO file so he concedes somebody must have said something, but Gary Foley can't remember plotting to blow up the replica tall ship Endeavour in the 1970s"

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