Monday 31 May 2010

Julie Bishop: The Price of Lies and Moral Failure.

as posted here ... Julie Bishop: The Price of Lies and Moral Failure.

Australia, May 31, (Pal Telegraph) The opposition’s foreign minister, Julie Bishop, has been prepared to compromise national security in her desperate attempts to maintain a blind pro-Israel stance, says Asem Judeh, human rights activist and Israeli Terrorism Monitor founder. “So desperate is Bishop to maintain Zionist lies, she has been prepared to breach the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the price of throwing away all sense of right and wrong to make a cowardly point.”

Judeh says Bishop’s claim that it was an over reaction to expel an Israeli diplomat in response to the stealing of Australian passports to assassinate a Palestinian in Dubai was cynical and immoral. “What will it actually take for her and her colleagues to find fault with Israel? There was no adverse comment about the bombing of Gaza. No criticism about the continual taking of Palestinian land. No comment about the stealing of Australians’ passports for extra-judicial assassination. And what does get reaction? The small and symbolic act of expelling an Israeli diplomat.

Describing it as an "over-reaction" is either blind anti-Arab prejudice or cynical pandering to Zionists.”

Judeh says Bishop deliberately mis-represented the decision to expel the diplomat. “The problem was that the passports were used for illegal assassination. Bishop chose to represent it as just falsifying of passports. It was deliberate distortion. Then she got herself into trouble by compromising national security. If she was a public servant and had said that she would have been charged.”

Judeh says the behaviour of Bishop is part of a general pattern. Those supposedly in charge of national security have fallen so much under the Israeli position they are prepared to compromise national security. “Imagine if Arab person had said what Bishop said. There would be massive criticism about the dangers to Australian society. But if these things are said in defence of Israel, it is considered alright. The same double standards are happening with ASIO and the Australian Federal Police. In the end they all get lost in their lies.”

Judeh says Bishop should be held responsible for her actions. "It is time to expose ASIO’s contempt of parliament. It is time for those who supposedly represent Australia’s interests to do it properly."

Israeli Terrorism Monitor

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