Sunday 21 March 2010

ASIO spooks spied on little girls

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ASIO spied on 15-year-old schoolgirls and badly bungled even the simplest investigations, it has been revealed.

Secret files kept by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation reveal spooks tailed the teenage children of suspected socialists and communist sympathisers during the late 1960s, and anyone with whom they associated, including school friends and boyfriends.

An 800-page file on NSW Greens MP Lee Rhiannon, released last week, reveals spies kept a file on Ms Rhiannon from the age of seven, and followed her and her school friends when they were Year 10 students.

The file is riddled with glaring inaccuracies about Ms Rhiannon's education, protest activities and family, including her mother Freda Brown, a Communist Party member.

Among ASIO's mistakes were references to the activities of a mysterious man named Ian Brown, who spies believed was an alias for Ms Rhiannon's brother, John.

John Brown died at birth, and Ms Rhiannon said she had no knowledge of anyone named Ian Brown.

The file states Ms Rhiannon studied motor mechanics at the University of NSW. In fact, she was studying for a double major in botany and zoology.

Ms Rhiannon, who is vying for a seat in the Senate, said she was "sickened" ASIO had spied on her and other students at Sydney Girls' High in 1967. Among ASIO's informants were the parents of other girls.

"What a disgraceful saga and a waste of public money," she said.

"I was surprised how often ASIO was wrong about what I had done in my life, and I don't mean just political action. The mistakes about my education and travel arrangements are extraordinary."

The first entry in Ms Rhiannon's file was made when she was seven to note that she had attended a picnic organised by a socialist newspaper.

as posted here

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