Christopher John Boyce worked in the communications centre at TRW, a Southern California aerospace firm.
Boyce claims that he began getting misrouted cables from the CIA discussing the CIA's wish to depose the government of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam in Australia.
Boyce claimed the CIA wanted Whitlam removed from office because he wanted to close U.S. military bases in Australia, including the Pine Gap secure communications facility, and withdraw Australian troops from Vietnam.

Whitlam had also begun making diplomatic overtures to China.
It has been claimed that US government pressure was a major factor in the 1975 dismissal of Whitlam as prime minister by the governor general Sir John Kerr, who, according to Boyce, was referred to as our man Kerr by CIA officers.
Reportedly, Boyce handed over secret material to Russia.
In 1977, Boyce was arrested and sentenced to 40 years in prison in California.

The ASIS - Favaro affair involved Gough Whitlam. (ASIS - Favaro affair — Global Collaborative)
In 1975, Gough Whitlam was toppled.
In 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor.
(Leaked documents 'reveal Whitlam's East Timor role')
Just prior to Indonesia's invasion of East Timor in 1975, the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) was paying a Dili-based Australian businessman Frank Favaro for information on political developments.
The leaking of his identity in late 1975 led to a confrontation between Gough Whitlam and the head of ASIS, Bill Robertson.
Robertson was sacked.
Gough Whitlam later said: "Sure I sacked the head of ASIS.
"I had had to tell him twice to put an end to the work his agents in our embassy in Chile were doing to undermine Allende on behalf of the CIA.
"Earlier his agents had worked with the same ambassador to undermine Sihanouk in Cambodia on behalf of the CIA. In 1975 he employed an agent in Dili without my authority."
The US threatened to kill David Lange, prime minister of New Zealand. (aangirfan: David Lange says US threatened to kill him. )

Does the US government try to colonise and control countries around the world?
Our minds turn to John Perkins who wrote 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.'
Perkins was interviewed by the US National Security Agency before being given his job with consulting firm Chas. T. Main in Boston which reportedly has links to the National Security Agency(NSA). Perkins claims he then became an "economic hit man".
Perkins describes the role of an Economic Hit Man as follows:
"Economic hit men ... cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.
"Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder."
as posted here
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